Tuesday, September 27, 2016

3 Best Central AC Units for Phoenix Homeowners

Best central AC unitsWhen residing in the sweltering heat of Phoenix, it is of vital importance to own an effective, energy-efficient cooling system for comfortable indoor living. As a homeowner, you may then ask, what are the best central AC units for my home? There are a multitude of Phoenix central air systems to choose from, and this article can help you make an informed decision.

Trane AC Unit Qualities

Trane receives above-average reviews on reliability from homeowners and industry experts. Many Trane models are modulating, which improves their cost-efficiency. The units operate at low capacity for the majority of the time, reducing the noise output and energy usage of the unit.

Trane models also come with ComfortLink II technology. ComfortLink II allows each component of the central AC system to communicate with one another to improve efficiency and overall performance. The technology also lets the homeowner control the system through a smartphone app.

The warranty for Trane models is 10 years, though the compressors are actually covered for 12 years. Despite the warranty coverage, many owners report difficulty in receiving their warranty payout from Trane.

Lennox AC Unit Qualities

Like Trane, Lennox also receives positive reviews for reliability. Lennox models rank highly in energy efficiency, with the Dave Lennox Signature XC25 rated at 26 SEER. Some Lennox models are equipped with SunSource solar-power capabilities, so solar panels can be installed to help power the AC unit.

Many Lennox models come with iComfort Technology, similar to the ComfortLink II technology found in Trane models. iComfort Technology allows the owner to alter system and temperature settings from the convenience of their smartphone.

Lennox offers a 10-year warranty on internal components and the compressor. Unlike Trane, Lennox also offers a 20-year/Limited Lifetime warranty on the heat exchanger of certain models.

Lennox is entirely proprietary and does not have the same access to extensive supply chains as Trane and Rheem. This means Lennox replacement parts can be hard to obtain, and some customers wait weeks for new parts. Many Trane and Rheem units can be repaired on the same day as a break-down, but if a Lennox unit needs a new part, the repair can be delayed for an extended time. Further, Lennox units can be $1,000 to $2000 more expensive than their counterparts from Rheem and Trane.

Rheem AC Unit Qualities

Like Lennox, Rheem units typically have Energy Star ratings with comparatively good energy efficiencies. Rheem models rely on two-stage compressors, which allow for greater energy conservation. Sound blankets are used to cover the compressors and reduce noise pollution.

Rheem installs on-board diagnostics systems on their units. These systems detect and catalogue potential break-downs, allowing maintenance technicians to prevent problems and repair damages faster.

Certain Rheem models use an ozone-friendly refrigerant. This refrigerant doesn’t cause the same atmospheric damage as the refrigerants used in other brands of AC units.

Though Rheem can tap into national supply chains, some Rheem parts are proprietary and necessitate buying the part directly from a Rheem dealer. This setup poses the same problem, though to a lesser degree, encountered with replacing Lennox parts.

Once you’ve made a decision on the best central AC unit for your home, the next step is to contact a Phoenix central air conditioner installation company, and you’ll be well on your way to a cool, comfortable home!


Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!


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  • 3 Common Phoenix AC Electrical Wiring Problems

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  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/best-central-ac-units/

    Tuesday, September 20, 2016

    Trane Furnace and Air Conditioner Units [Ultimate Guide]

    Trane furnace and air conditionerYou’re ready for an HVAC install in Arizona. You’ve decided a Trane product is the answer for your heating and cooling needs. Now the question is, how do you select the perfect unit for your particular home from Trane’s many choices? The options can be overwhelming. Don’t fret, this Ultimate Guide will walk you through the characteristics of Trane furnace and air conditioner units, as well as other products Trane offers.

    Make Your House a Cozy Home with a Trane Furnace

    Gas Furnaces – XC95M

    This model of Trane gas furnace is the most expensive, but it also boasts the highest AFUE efficiency of all Trane furnaces at 97.3 percent. The XC95M also has ComfortLink II communicating capability which connects the furnace with other Trane appliances and automatically charges, configures, and calibrates your entire Trane network to maintain maximum performance from your Trane products. The XC95M comes with a variable-speed blower motor and fully modulating heating which adjusts air flow and heat intensity depending on your needs. Additionally, the XC95M can be upgraded with Trane CleanEffects to filter out more dust, pollen, and other debris from your indoor air. This model is perfect for heating a home in wintry weather.

    Oil Furnaces – XP80

    The XP80 oil-fired Trane furnace has an AFUE efficiency of 82.7 percent, placing it in the middle range of efficiency for heating a home when compared to gas furnaces. The heat exchanger on this model is made from durable steel that has been tested extensively to ensure product longevity. The XP80 has a four-speed blower motor, much like the XB80 gas furnace. Also like any of the gas-furnaces, the XP80 can be upgraded with Trane CleanEffects.

    Cool Off in Your Home with a Trane Air Conditioner

    Variable Speed – XV20i

    The XV20i Variable Speed model of Trane air conditioner units is the most expensive but also the most efficient for cooling a home, with a SEER rating of up to 21. This means this model creates more cooling effect with less electricity compared to other models. The XV20i model comes with Trane TruComfort, which means it has a variable speed blower motor that keeps the actual temperature of your house within a half degree of the thermostat setting. This model also boasts the quietest sound rating at 55 dB. The XV20i is Energy Star qualified and can be upgraded with CleanEffects. This model is wonderful for effectively cooling a home throughout the warm months.


    The XR17 has a mid-range price with a strong SEER rating of up to 18. The model is Energy Star certifiable. At a lower price, the XR17 is louder than the XV20i with a sound level of 74 dB. The XR17 uses a two-stage Climatuff compressor and relies on a two-speed blower motor as compared to the more precise variable speed motor in the XV20i model. The XR17 also has a Spine Fin coil, though experts rate the coil’s performance as comparatively average. The XR17 can be equipped with CleanEffects.

    Heat or Cool Your Home with a Trane Heat Pump


    One of the more expensive Trane pumps for heating a home, the XV18 has an excellent SEER rating of 18 and HSPF rating of 10. The XV18 can provide precision temperature control within ½ degree of the thermostat setting. This model also has advanced humidity control and the quietest sound rating of 54 dB.


    As one of the cheapest heat pumps Trane offers, the XR15 still advertises a solid SEER rating of 14 and HSPF rating of 8.20. This heat pump comes with a Climatuff compressor and a Spine Fin coil. It does not qualify for an Energy Star rating. The XR15 is CleanEffects compatible.

    Use Energy Wisely with Trane Geothermal Systems

    Packaged Systems – TVGX

    The TVGX is an all-in-one system with the best performance of Trane geothermal systems. The TVGX has an EER rating of over 40 and a COP rating of 5.3. It has a variable-capacity compressor and a variable-speed blower motor for high-precision heating and cooling. The TVGX advertises an EnviroWise system, returning four dollars of heat for every one dollar of electricity used by drawing on heat energy underneath the Earth’s surface.

    Water to Water Systems – T2GW

    The T2GW model has a 22.5 EER rating and two-stage water heating and cooling. The T2GW uses radiant floor heating and cooling. It also has a high volume water heater and a heavy-gauge steel cabinet. Like the TVGX, the T2GW relies on an EnviroWise system.

    Split Geothermal Systems – T2GE Outdoor

    Split systems use a ground loop connected to a refrigerant loop to absorb and dissipate heat, similar to a traditional heating and cooling system. The T2GE outdoor has a 25.1 EER rating and uses an EnviroWise system.

    Enjoy High-Precision Control with a Trane Thermostat

    Connected Controls – ComfortLink II XL950

    The XL950 is the most expensive thermostat control Trane offers. It comes with a 7” touch screen and Wi-Fi capabilities, allowing it to connect and sync with other ComfortLink II appliances throughout the house. The controls offer a five-day weather forecast and the ability to program your heating/cooling system for an entire week so you can customize your energy use per day. The XL950 control uses five stages of heating and two stages of cooling.

    Thermostat Controls – XL900

    The XL900 is mid-range in price and still comes with ComfortLink II capabilities. The XL900 does not offer Wi-Fi, but still maintains 7 day programmability. There are four heating stages and two cooling stages with this model of thermostat. The XL900 also has a humidity sensor and filter alerts.

    Get Your Heating and Cooling in One with Trane Package Systems

    Gas/Electric Packaged Systems

    These packages come with an electricity-driven, high-efficiency air conditioner and a variable-speed gas furnace combined into one unit. The XL16c, the most expensive package, offers up to 16.60 SEER and 81 percent AFUE.

    Heat Pump Packaged Systems

    These systems use a high-efficiency heat pump with cooling functionality and electricity as an alternate energy source. The XL16c model of this package has a 16 SEER rating and an 8.5 HSPF rating. There is a variable-speed blower motor and two-stage heating and cooling.

    Earthwise Hybrid Dual Fuel Packaged Systems

    Hybrid packaged systems combine an air conditioner, heat pump, and gas furnace into one unit. The furnace is typically dual staged. The XL16c model has a 16 SEER rating and 81 percent AFUE.

    Air Conditioner Packaged Systems

    AC packaged systems also combine an air conditioner, heat pump, and gas furnace into a single unit. The XL14c model of this package type is marginally less efficient, with a 14.25 SEER rating, though still Energy Star qualified.

    You Can Depend on High Indoor Air Quality from Trane

    Trane uses high-quality filters for all their products, ensuring consumers are pumping clean, fresh air into their homes. Phoenix AZ air conditioning techs can upgrade nearly all of Trane’s products with a Trane CleanEffects Air Cleaner. The CleanEffects Air Cleaner uses state-of-the-art technology to filter out 99.98 percent of airborne particles from the home. The particles could include bacteria, dust, pollen, and other irritants. Trane CleanEffects keeps your air pure and healthy, free of those pesky particles.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!

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  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/trane-furnace-and-air-conditioner/

    Tuesday, September 13, 2016

    3 Common Phoenix AC Electrical Wiring Problems

    Phoenix AC Electrical Wiring ProblemsGetting home from a long day of work just to have your house warmer than it should be is not the way to wind down after a long day. Unfortunately, there could be a number of things causing the unpleasant temperatures of your home. Fortunately, there are ways to fix this problem, whatever that may be, such as Phoenix AC electrical wiring problems. AC units do not get inspected often. You drive a car for a long time, and you change the air filter and your oil, just like you change the air filter that could be found inside your house.

    However, it doesn’t affect things as much as it does in your car. The wires in your AC unit could have initially been wired incorrectly, have been worn out or are just old, and in some cases, the wiring could have come loose and have been disconnected. Luckily, there are awarding winning Phoenix AZ HVAC maintenance technicians that are more than qualified to handle any AC electrical wiring problems.

    Wiring is Done Incorrectly

    From the production of the house, there are ways for things to start off going in the wrong direction. If the wiring is initially done incorrectly, no matter what you do on the inside, the problem will only persist. It’s easy to grow irritated because a single wire could be causing the whole unit to malfunction.

    We all know that AC repair is necessary in Phoenix, AZ and if you live in a house that has undergone renovations there is a chance that they might not have had a new HVAC unit since the house was built. There are articles available explaining why it is beneficial to upgrade your HVAC system.

    Wires Have Worn Out

    Your AC unit is a victim to weathering just like anything else that has a home outside. That is not to say that the wires in your unit will burn out and need to be changed within a couple of years of having them. If that is not the case, then most likely you had bad wires to begin with and hopefully they are under warranty. Fixing the wires in an AC unit is not a DIY job and should be taken care of by a professional who understands electrical wiring problems.

    Wires Have Come Loose

    Now we’re revisiting the irritation of having the possibility of a single wire coming loose. Loose wires are another job that professionals should take care of because there is no need for the possibility of a DIY job gone wrong and costing you more money. Loose wires are something that are pretty common electrical problems during the summer time and certainly during high heat times in Phoenix. Meeting with a professional to remedy that situation is something that should reach the top of your list.

    Maintaining your HVAC system is something that should be on your spring cleaning list now and then, including Phoenix AZ AC repair. It might be a bit tedious, and it could seem unnecessary, but keeping up with your hardware before they become problems is a way to dodge future discomfort. Learn more about how you can maintain your HVAC unit in the Phoenix.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!


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    Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/phoenix-ac-electrical-wiring-problems/

    Tuesday, September 6, 2016

    How Dust Storms in Phoenix Arizona Wreak Havoc on AC Units

    dust storms in Phoenix ArizonaEveryone needs a dependable air conditioning unit when living in the heat of Arizona. If something were to damage your unit, you could potentially spend hours or days without functioning AC, making for a sweltering household. Dust storms in Phoenix Arizona could very easily be the force which disables your AC unit. Of course, proper maintenance for your cooling system is an excellent way to help it last longer and give peak performance.

    Dust Invades Everywhere

    Dust storms typically occur in arid and semi-arid regions, exactly the climate surrounding Phoenix Arizona. Gusts and strong winds can lift small sand and dirt particles from dry surfaces, whipping them into clouds which blow through urban and rural areas alike. As anyone who has spent time in a desert or at the beach can attest, fine sand and dirt particles can invade almost any space, no matter how tight. This idea applies to your house and outdoor appliances as well—particles carried by Arizona dust storms can easily find their way into the nooks and crannies of any structure. This dust then lodges in its new home as more dust continues to accumulate. The dust usually remains in the cracks of structures, including AC units, until removed by a careful homeowner or professional.

    Coats of Dust Can Choke Your AC Unit

    As dust builds on top and inside of your AC unit, the unit must work much harder to pull air into the household. Dust can partially or entirely block intake spaces your AC unit relies on to draw air from the outdoors. Further, dust can build up on the fan and rotary motor, slowing the fan’s speed and decreasing its efficiency. The unit is supposed to provide a steady supply of fresh, cooled air into your home, but with dust as a hindrance, the machinery in your unit has to put forth more effort to achieve its normal functioning. This means quicker wear and more severe breakdowns for your unit.

    Common Debris Can Severely Damage Your AC Unit

    In order for an AC unit to operate properly, outdoor air must pass into the unit and over the condenser coils, which are responsible for cooling the outdoor air to the desired indoor temperature. As wind swirls throughout Phoenix, it carries dust and other debris that stick to the condenser coils. Dust can form coats around your condenser coils, which means the outdoor air cannot make contact with the coils. If air cannot touch the coils, the air doesn’t cool, and the unit pumps in warmer air into your home. Homeowners then suffer higher electrical bills as they keep their units running longer and at lower temperatures to compensate for decreasing performance.

    Additionally, larger pieces of debris carried by dust storms pose a threat to your AC unit. Larger clots of dirt, clumps of sticks, leaves, and numerous other outdoor items can enter the intricate machinery of your unit. This debris can jam your fan and other parts within the shell of the AC unit, causing the structures to malfunction and break. These damages often require professional HVAC maintenance. An AZ HVAC repair company can assist you with any maintenance or repair needs. It may be time for you to upgrade your system entirely.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!

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