In the summer, it seems like your AC bill is through the roof. In the winter, it seems like your heating bill is through the roof. There’s got to be something you can do to lower your energy bill.
Good news–there is. There are tons of tips and tricks you can start employing today to save when your bill hits the mailbox tomorrow.
Keep reading to find out how to start reducing your heating and cooling system costs all year!
Have an Energy Audit Done
The first step is finding out where you’re losing valuable energy. Home energy audits can help you determine the areas in which you can improve.
Cover Windows
Utilize your curtains! Let the sunshine in for natural heat, or close them at night for an added layer of protection against chilly windows. You can also add a clear film to your windows in the winter that acts as a stronger barrier between the harsh cold outside and your cozy inside.
In the summer, make sure the caulking on your window is nice and tight to avoid losing cool air.
Adjust the Thermostat
Setting your thermostat 10-15 degrees cooler while you’re away at work or asleep can save you 10% on your yearly energy bill. In the summer, turning the system off entirely while you’re at work can save even more.
Upgrade your thermostat to a programmable one so these settings are out of sight, out of mind.
Bundle Up
In the winter, don’t reach for the thermostat just yet. First, try to layer your clothing and keep the air a little cooler to save. Throw on your slippers, a scarf, or a hat, then see how you feel.
This isn’t limited to your body, either- you can bundle up your home itself! Add some area rugs to help insulate the floor, buy some flannel sheets, and keep cozy throw blankets close by.
Increase Insulation
Good insulation is your home’s form of layering. Make sure it’s thick and dependable. Check out the Dept of Energy’s insulation tool to find out how much insulation your home needs, then beef it up.
Clear Your Vents
It seems common sense, but you’d be surprised at how many of your vents might be accidentally blocked. Make sure you don’t have any furniture obstructing them, or clothes piled too high in the closet in front of one.
Use Exhaust Fans Only When Necessary
The kitchen exhaust fan may be great at sucking up oil in the air, but guess what: it’s also great at sucking up warm air. Since heat rises, all the warmth you pay for lingers right near that vent. So turn it on sparingly.
Same goes for the vent in the bathroom. Crack a window to let out some moisture instead, since it’s lower to the floor than the exhaust fan.
Keep Fireplace Damper Closed
It’s easy to forget when you’re warm, toasty, and falling asleep on the couch. This is a huge money saver, though–make sure it gets closed when the fireplace isn’t in use.
Turn Down the Water Heater
It can be tempting to crank that bad boy when it’s 20 degrees outside and the only thing getting you from bed to bathroom is the promise of a hot shower. Lowering it to 120 degrees, though, will save you money in the long run, and keep you from scalding your hands while doing the dishes!
Maintain Your Heating and Cooling System
The best way to save energy (and therefore, money) is to maximize efficiency. The best way to maximize efficiency is to keep your heating and cooling system in tip-top shape. Get them regularly tuned up and fixed, and replace them when necessary.
Are You Prepared?
Get in touch with us to talk about how you can maximize the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. Then check out some other tips and tricks for lowering your energy bill! Happy saving!
It’s critical to take care of your heating and cooling Phoenix.
Call us at (602) 714-8270 or email us to to schedule an appointment! It Pays To Call Hays!
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