Tuesday, July 26, 2016

3 Signs You Need Air Conditioning Contactor Repair in AZ

air conditioning contactor repair in AZAC units can be taken for granted since they often work so seamlessly and most homeowners do not fully understand the ins and outs of how their air conditioner works. Unfortunately, when a problem crops up with your central AC unit, not knowing about your system can make it hard to know what to repair. Even though it is crucial to your unit running properly, most people are unfamiliar with their air conditioner’s contactor. However, a faulty contactor is one of the major causes of a malfunctioning AC unit, which makes it important to know more about a contactor and what it does. Discover three signs that you might need air conditioning contactor repair in AZ and find out why repairs are important.

What Does an Air Conditioning Contactor Do?

Before getting into possible problems with your AC contactor, it is important that you realize how important this part is to your system. Your contactor acts as a sort of relay for electrical signals, receiving information from your thermostat and then using that information to run your system. So, for example, when you turn your thermostat down, the signal is sent to the contactor, which, in turn, sends the signal to start blowing cold air. When the contactor malfunctions, your air conditioner will not receive signals from your thermostat and won’t be able to run properly. Now that you know a little bit about your contactor, it is easy to see how crucial this small part is to your central air system.

How Do I Know When I Need a Contactor Repair?

Air conditioners are very complex machines, making it hard sometimes to discover what the source of your unit’s problem is. However, there three easy ways to tell if you are looking at a problem with your contactor. Firstly, examine your contactor. If it appears as if it has melted to the other parts around it, then this is a clear sign that the contactor itself is the problem. Secondly, if your AC unit constantly runs then it could be because your contactor is not properly receiving and sending signals. Finally, if your AC doesn’t blow cold air, it could be because the contactor is not passing signals on to the air conditioner.

Noticing any of these problems with your air conditioning units are clear signs that your contactor is suffering problems and needs repair or replacement. 

Why is Repair Important?

Many homeowners, because of the cost, sometimes delay repairing their air conditioning unit and try to find alternative solutions to cooling down. When you are looking at a contactor repair , however, it is important to do the repair right away. Ignoring a contactor repair, especially when your air conditioner will not stop running, can lead to very expensive repairs down the line. It is much easier, and smarter, to perform the relatively simple and inexpensive process of repairing your contactor rather than risking further problems down the line. 

Getting Repair Services from an Expert Contractor

If it seems like there is a problem with your AC contactor, there is one perfect solution for getting it fixed: request repair services from Phoenix Arizona air conditioner maintenance technicians. An experienced repair technician should be able to switch out your malfunctioning contactor quickly and easily, so you go back to having reliable air conditioning services throughout the hot Phoenix summer.


Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!


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  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/air-conditioning-contactor-repair-in-az/

    Tuesday, July 19, 2016

    Increase the Lifespan of an AC Unit in Phoenix [4 Tips]

    increase the lifespan of an AC unit in PhoenixAn air conditioner is one of the most important, expensive investments that you will ever make as a homeowner. Because of this, properly caring for your air conditioner is crucial in both protecting your investment and increasing your unit’s lifespan. Properly maintaining your air conditioner means extending its lifespan by years, possibly decades, and often avoiding onerously expensive repair costs. Read on to learn how to increase the lifespan of an AC unit in Phoenix and find out how regular maintenance from an experienced tech will keep your air conditioner running well into the future.

    Regularly Change Out Your Filter

    One of the simplest ways to increase your air conditioner’s lifespan is by ensuring that it is running smoothly, which reduces wear and tear on your system that accumulates over time. The first step in properly maintaining your air conditioner is to change the AC unit’s filter frequently. As your air filter gathers dust and debris, it becomes much harder for your air conditioner to circulate air, which in turn puts stress on your system and increases the likelihood of long-term damage. However, regularly changing your filters will ease air circulation, will reduce wear in your system and will help to increase your air conditioner’s life span.

    Upgrade Your Air Conditioner Technology to Reduce Wear

    When your air conditioner runs unnecessarily, such as when you are not home, or is turned up too high, it can severely overwork your system and potentially shorten the longevity of your AC unit. Since it can be difficult to be mindful of your air conditioner all of the time, a good solution for the problem of overuse is installing a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats allow you to automate your air conditioning system completely, scheduling your air conditioner to shut down or adjust the temperature when you are not home or any other condition where the AC is not needed. Installing a programmable thermostat will reduce not only your energy bills but also the overuse of your system that can lead to long-term damage.

    Shield Your Air Conditioner from Mother Nature

    If you have an outdoor air conditioner unit, then protecting it from mother nature should be your number one priority in increasing your unit’s lifespan. Although it can be unwise to cover your unit as this can encourage animal nesting and may cause your system to work harder, you can consider purchasing or constructing an overhang for your unit. This will protect it from intense weather events in both summer and winter while helping your unit to last well into the future.

    Receive Regular Maintenance from an Expert AC Technician

    Just as you make sure your car gets regular maintenance checks, you should also be diligent in scheduling yearly air conditioning maintenance. Getting Phoenix AC service from an expert AC service technician will help to catch small problems with your unit before they get out of hand and cause serious damage to your system. Regular maintenance both helps stave off large future repair bills and allows your system to have an increased lifespan, which is key in a state like Arizona where having a functioning air conditioner is a must.

    Find the Right Technician for You

    Increasing the lifespan of your air conditioning unit is a simple matter once you know the best ways to do it. However, the best way to maintain your unit is by partnering with quality Phoenix AZ air conditioner maintenance technicians. Air conditioner experts will be able to give you a comprehensive list of great ways to maintain your system so that it will be able to keep your Phoenix home cool and comfortable long into the future.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!


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  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/increase-the-lifespan-of-an-ac-unit-in-phoenix/

    Tuesday, July 12, 2016

    What to Do When Your Central Air Conditioner Smells Musty?

    central air conditioner smells mustyIf we are lucky, our air conditioners run smoothly in the background without us ever noticing them. Unfortunately, there is one problem with an air conditioner that can cause massive disruptions to your life: unexplained, strong odor. Air blown from a central air conditioner that has a foul odor may result from an underlying issue with your system that deserves immediate attention, both to improve the quality of your air and to protect your family’s health. If you notice that the air from your central air conditioner smells musty, keep reading to learn some of the most common causes and how to address them.

    Swap Out Your Air Filter

    When you run into a problem with your central air conditioner, including an unexplained odor, it is best to try the simple fix first. One of the most typical causes of a smell from an AC unit is build-up on your filter. Over time, a filter can accumulate dirt, debris and even bacteria, which can result in an unpleasant odor when air passes through. For a quick fix to that mysterious aroma that happens whenever your air conditioner turns on, you might need to change an air filter. If you are lucky, this will immediately improve the quality of your air and save on more expensive repair solutions.

    Clear Your Ducts of Moisture

    Ideally, thanks to preventative maintenance, problems with your central air conditioner should have been addressed before they begin. Unfortunately, these problems do crop up, and a maintenance issue that may be causing the odor to come from your unit is moisture in your ducts. Due to improper insulation, moisture can build up in your air conditioning ducts causing mildew to form. Once mildew sets in, it produces a very distinct odor that is decidedly unpleasant. Check your ducts for moisture and mildew, and clean them out if you find anything. The chances are that this will completely solve your air conditioner’s odor problem. 

    Learn About ‘Dirty Sock Syndrome’

    Although it is not as familiar as it should be, there is actually a term for certain air conditioner smells. It is what’s known as ‘dirty sock syndrome’, and it might be the source of your air conditioner’s fragrance problem. Dirty sock syndrome results from bacterial decay inside your air conditioner. Microorganisms build up inside of your air conditioner, begin to decay, and then put out a strong aroma that smells a lot like an old pair of socks that have been buried in your laundry basket for an extended period—hence the name. Making sure that your central air conditioner gets regular cleaning and maintenance will help you avoid dirty sock syndrome so that the air in your home stays fresh. 

    Get Your Unit Checked Out by a Technician

    As we have seen, there are a number of reasons that your air conditioner might be emitting a foul scent. While some of the causes are relatively simple, others, like mildew, can turn very serious very quickly, making it difficult to live in your home and possibly putting your family’s health at risk. To address these issues and return the freshness to your home’s air, you need the help of Phoenix Arizona air conditioner repair technicians. Experienced, knowledgeable air conditioner professionals will be able to detect the cause of your system’s gross smell and take care of it as quickly as possible.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!


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  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/central-air-conditioner-smells-musty/

    Tuesday, July 5, 2016

    Air Conditioning Unit Leaking Water Indoors [5 Reasons]

    air conditioning unit leaking waterIt is the time of year when everyone’s air conditioner unit is running overtime. Keeping your home cool in the summer is a full-time job, and under those conditions, it is possible that something can go wrong with your unit, leaking water into your home. If you do not catch and fix these leaks as soon as possible, it can result in serious damage to your home. If you notice an air conditioning unit leaking water, read on to learn five possible causes, and find out how an expert technician can fix it.

    Avoid the Deep Freeze

    One of the biggest reasons for a leaky air conditioner is a frozen AC unit. Several different issues can cause an air conditioner to freeze, but no matter the reason, ice on an air conditioner equals water in your home. If you notice water accumulating around your air conditioning unit and leaking into your home, you should check the inside of the unit for ice build-up. Ice accumulation—and its inevitable melting—could easily be the cause of water leaking into your home. However, it is important that you do not try to remove the ice yourself, as this can cause serious damage to your unit if done incorrectly.

    Top Off Your Refrigerant

    One of the main issues that can cause an AC unit to freeze is a low refrigerant level, which means this is also one of the reasons for water leaking into your home. If your refrigerant level gets too low, it can wreak havoc in your HVAC system, including allowing the unit to freeze and causing extreme water leakage. Make sure to check your air conditioner’s refrigerant level and top it off if it seems low. Not only will this make sure your unit runs smoothly, but it will also go a long way towards preventing water leaks.

    Watch Out for Condensation

    In the same way that a glass of ice water sweats in warm weather, water leakage can be caused by AC unit condensation. Most typically, this condensation is the result of improperly insulated ducts—an issue that stems from poor installation techniques. Should you find excess condensation on your AC unit or in your ducts, you should make sure to contact an air conditioning professional to address the issue.

    Clear or Connect Your Drain Line

    Through the course of regular operation, your AC unit will build up moisture, which is why every unit comes equipped with a drain line. When you are experiencing water leakage from your AC unit, it is possible that there is a problem with your drain line. Inspect your air conditioner, looking for either a clogged drain line or a disconnected drain line. Either of these conditions could be allowing the excess moisture from your air conditioner to leak into your home. 

    Search for Your Missing Drain Pan

    The last thing you should look for in pursuit of your air conditioner’s leak is your unit’s drain pan. Your drain pan sits under your unit and collects any water that drips off. However, if your drain pan is missing, then the water will instead puddle and leak into your home. Fortunately, a missing drain pan is easily fixed, especially when you work with an air conditioning professional.

    Consult a Repair Technician

    If you have thoroughly examined your air conditioner and still cannot find the source of the water leak, then it is time to contact a professional to have it repaired. Phoenix AZ air conditioner repair technicians will be able to perform a maintenance check of your air conditioner, locate the leak and fix it in the most expedient manner possible.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!


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  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/air-conditioning-unit-leaking-water/