Tuesday, November 28, 2017

10 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Heating and Cooling System Costs

ways-to-reduce-your-heating-and-cooling-system-costsIn the summer, it seems like your AC bill is through the roof. In the winter, it seems like your heating bill is through the roof. There’s got to be something you can do to lower your energy bill.

Good news–there is. There are tons of tips and tricks you can start employing today to save when your bill hits the mailbox tomorrow.

Keep reading to find out how to start reducing your heating and cooling system costs all year!

Have an Energy Audit Done

The first step is finding out where you’re losing valuable energy. Home energy audits can help you determine the areas in which you can improve.

Cover Windows

Utilize your curtains! Let the sunshine in for natural heat, or close them at night for an added layer of protection against chilly windows. You can also add a clear film to your windows in the winter that acts as a stronger barrier between the harsh cold outside and your cozy inside.

In the summer, make sure the caulking on your window is nice and tight to avoid losing cool air.

Adjust the Thermostat

Setting your thermostat 10-15 degrees cooler while you’re away at work or asleep can save you 10% on your yearly energy bill. In the summer, turning the system off entirely while you’re at work can save even more.

Upgrade your thermostat to a programmable one so these settings are out of sight, out of mind.

Bundle Up

In the winter, don’t reach for the thermostat just yet. First, try to layer your clothing and keep the air a little cooler to save. Throw on your slippers, a scarf, or a hat, then see how you feel.

This isn’t limited to your body, either- you can bundle up your home itself! Add some area rugs to help insulate the floor, buy some flannel sheets, and keep cozy throw blankets close by.

Increase Insulation

Good insulation is your home’s form of layering. Make sure it’s thick and dependable. Check out the Dept of Energy’s insulation tool to find out how much insulation your home needs, then beef it up.

Clear Your Vents

It seems common sense, but you’d be surprised at how many of your vents might be accidentally blocked. Make sure you don’t have any furniture obstructing them, or clothes piled too high in the closet in front of one.

Use Exhaust Fans Only When Necessary

The kitchen exhaust fan may be great at sucking up oil in the air, but guess what: it’s also great at sucking up warm air. Since heat rises, all the warmth you pay for lingers right near that vent. So turn it on sparingly.

Same goes for the vent in the bathroom. Crack a window to let out some moisture instead, since it’s lower to the floor than the exhaust fan.

Keep Fireplace Damper Closed

It’s easy to forget when you’re warm, toasty, and falling asleep on the couch. This is a huge money saver, though–make sure it gets closed when the fireplace isn’t in use.

Turn Down the Water Heater

It can be tempting to crank that bad boy when it’s 20 degrees outside and the only thing getting you from bed to bathroom is the promise of a hot shower. Lowering it to 120 degrees, though, will save you money in the long run, and keep you from scalding your hands while doing the dishes!

Maintain Your Heating and Cooling System

The best way to save energy (and therefore, money) is to maximize efficiency. The best way to maximize efficiency is to keep your heating and cooling system in tip-top shape. Get them regularly tuned up and fixed, and replace them when necessary.

Are You Prepared?

Get in touch with us to talk about how you can maximize the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. Then check out some other tips and tricks for lowering your energy bill! Happy saving!



It’s critical to take care of your heating and cooling Phoenix.

Call us at (602) 714-8270 or email us to to schedule an appointment! It Pays To Call Hays!


Read Related Articles:

Read the full story at: https://hayscoolingandheating.com/ways-to-reduce-your-heating-and-cooling-system-costs/

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Electric Heaters vs. Trane Heat Pumps: Which is Best for Arizona Residents?

electric-heaters-vs-trane-heat-pumps-which-is-best-for-arizona-residentsIn Arizona, our winters are pretty mild. We don’t typically have too much stress over choosing an HVAC system for heating purposes. But when the time does come for you to turn your heat on, do you know what’s the best system for your home?

Two common systems: electric heaters and heat pumps. Electric heaters are used more widely, but heat pumps offer some benefits that electric can’t boast.

Keep reading to learn what they are, and which is better for your home.

What’s the Difference?

Electric heaters are heating systems that use electricity to convert electric energy into heat energy. Electric currents pass through an internal element called the resister, which converts the current into heat. The heater then releases the heat into your home.

Fuel pumps work by moving air rather than changing air. They take warm air that’s outside and bring it inside, displacing the cold air inside and pushing it back out. In the summer, they work similarly by moving warm air that’s inside and pushing it outside, while bringing cool air in.

Which Is Right for Me?

That depends on a few things, such as:

  • how warm you like your space

  • what type of heat you prefer

  • your monthly budget

Electric heaters tend to create hotter air than fuel pumps, simply because you can control the heating element inside them. They’re great for those who like their homes toasty warm. Conversely, fuel pumps work to create a comfortable, livable space without drying out the air.

Electric units can create uncomfortable pockets of heat that tend to concentrate around the unit. This can leave cold spots in other areas, making your home’s temperature inconsistent. Fuel pumps create a more even heat that makes your entire home comfortable.

Monthly Costs Compared

We’re all looking for ways to save money. Comparing the costs of HVAC heating systems before you choose can help save you a lot.

When it comes to cost, fuel pumps will are almost always the cheaper option, unless your home is subject to temperatures below 40 degrees for consistent periods of time. In this circumstance, the fuel pump relies on a secondary heating coil to help out, and it’s not the most effective way to heat your home.

In Arizona, our winter temperatures are a bit more temperate.

Compared to gas furnaces, heat pumps are 30% less expensive year round. And compared to electric heating elements, a heat pump will cut your heating bill in half.

The Lowdown: Electric Heaters Vs. Heat Pumps?

Unless you live in a very cold climate, installing a heat pump will save you money in the long run. The temperature won’t be super hot inside, but hey, we get enough of that in Arizona as it is!

Sure, heating in Phoenix is not quite used as much as the air conditioner. Don’t get left out in the cold this winter with a broken heater. Get in touch today to talk about your heating and cooling needs. We would love to help you get set up!


Whether it’s furnace repair or furnace replacement Phoenix, Hays Cooling and Heating is who to call!

Give us a call us at (602) 714-8270 or email us to to schedule an appointment! It Pays To Call Hays!


Read Related Articles:

Read the full story at: https://hayscoolingandheating.com/electric-heaters-vs-trane-heat-pumps-which-is-best-for-arizona-residents/

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

How Often Should Furnace Filters Be Replaced in Arizona (And Why)?

how-often-should-furnace-filters-be-replaced-in-arizonaHave you thought about your furnace since last winter? How about your furnace filters?

Fall in Arizona means a steady drop in temperatures, especially at night. That makes it the perfect time to make a plan for furnace maintenance.

When you set a regular schedule you can improve indoor air quality and save money on all winter long.

Problems Caused by Dirty Furnace Filters

A furnace with air filters that are clogged with dust, grime and dirt won’t work properly.

When the airflow is restricted, the heat in the heat exchanger gets too high. Every furnace is designed to shut off the burners when the temperature exceeds a certain level.

Usually, a furnace will automatically reset when the heat exchanger cools down. But, if you don’t correct the problem, it will keep happening. It can lead to a service call to diagnose the problem or replace a ruined part.

Energy Star and HVAC professionals recommend you change your furnace filter every month to avoid this problem.

Benefits of Changing Filters

Here are the good things that happen when you change your filters each month.

System Will Last Longer

Did you know the most common reason a heating and cooling system breaks down is because of a dirty filter?

It happens when dirt builds up to the point where air can’t pass through the filter. The system can overheat, and the motor has to work harder.

If you’re lucky, your unit will only need repairs. But, if you have an older unit, you could ruin the system. You could be looking at buying a new system.

Replacing the filter is an easy way to extend the life of your heating system.

Reduce Energy Costs

The Department of Energy says heating and cooling account for about 48% of the energy use in a typical U.S. home. That’s a significant expense.

If the air filter is clogged, the system has to use more energy to produce results. And when more energy is used, it increases the cost of your energy bill.

Change furnace filters regularly and your system will run efficiently. That will save you money on your utility costs.

Improve Air Quality

If anyone in your home suffers from allergies or asthma, clean air is essential for their health. Dirty air filters reduce air quality and can aggravate symptoms.

If you have pets, pet dander will accumulate in the system and spread allergens throughout your home.

Replace your furnace filter each month to prevent your indoor air quality from deteriorating.

Keep Your System Clean

Dirt clogged up in the filter can infect your entire system. It can result in extra repairs, service, and parts that you weren’t expecting.

Replacing your filter is an easy, inexpensive way to keep your system clean. It pays off by extending the life of your unit, saving you money, and improving your home’s air quality.

Contact the Experts

Besides changing your filter every month, it’s important to get an HVAC tuneup and regular maintenance at the start of the winter season.

Have the experts at Hays Cooling and Heating examine your system to make sure it will keep you warm and comfortable this winter.


Whether it’s furnace repair or furnace replacement Phoenix, Hays Cooling and Heating is who to call!

Give us a call us at (602) 714-8270 or email us to to schedule an appointment! It Pays To Call Hays!


Read Related Articles:

Read the full story at: https://hayscoolingandheating.com/how-often-should-furnace-filters-be-replaced-in-arizona/