Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What Causes HVAC High Suction Pressure in Phoenix Homes?

HVAC High Suction Pressure in PhoenixSummertime in Phoenix is not something to be messed with. With temperature highs averaging in the triple digits for months on end, air conditioning is vital for basically any Arizona indoor space. Your home AC unit needs to be functioning properly not just for your family’s comfort, but for their safety as well.

There are many issues that may arise that cause an air conditioner to stop working effectively. One such issue is HVAC high suction pressure in Phoenix, but what causes high suction pressure in your air conditioner?

Dirty Condenser Oil

 Condenser oil will get dirty if there is a leak in the oil separator. Grit in the condenser oil may cause the needle valve to get stuck partway open, causing the pressures on either side of the compressor’s crankcase to be off.

Excess Refrigerant

 Your high suction pressure may also be a result of excess coolant, or refrigerant, in your AC unit. Proper refrigerant levels are vital for the proper functioning of any AC unit; your specialist will be able to safely remove the necessary amount of refrigerant to restore your air conditioner to proper working order.

Bad Compressor Valves

 Leady compressor valves will likely cause high suction pressure in your Phoenix air conditioner. They may start leaking for a number of reasons, such as poor lubrication or sludge deposits that stop them from properly sealing. Compressor valves will leak if conditions cause them to start warping or overheating. You’ll know if your compressor valve is leaking (even internally) if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Discharge temperatures are high

  • Condensing pressures and temperatures are low

  • Condenser subcooling is normal to high

  • Superheats are normal to high

  • Amp draw is low

  • Bad Compressor Motor Windings

     There are three motor winding failures that can cause high suction pressure in your AC unit. An open winding occurs when one of the wires making up the motor winding gets separated or broken. A shorted winding occurs when the winding insulation has failed, causing electricity to flow between two parts of the winding that shouldn’t be making contact. A grounded winding is similar to a shorted winding, but in this case, the electricity is flowing between one of the wires and the compressor casing or ground. If you think your compressor motor has failed, your HVAC specialist will be able to check these windings to find the issue.

    Contact a Phoenix HVAC Specialist

     Hays Cooling and Heating has been operating as a trusted HVAC system repair company in Phoenix since 2001. Whatever issue you may be having with your HVAC system, our trained team of experts is here to help. Make sure to get your Phoenix home AC working properly before those hot summer months set in so that you can spend more time enjoying the indoors and less time worrying about them.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!

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  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/hvac-high-suction-pressure-in-phoenix/

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