Tuesday, June 28, 2016

How Often Should You Change Your Home Air Filter in AZ?

how often should you change your home air filter in AZIn general, most homeowners are aware of the basic routine maintenance they can and should perform on their own to keep their AC system running strong during the hot summer months. As the dog days of summer grow ever closer, however, many are concerned about just how often they should stay on top of this maintenance? There are many benefits to changing your air filter and doing it on the right schedule can keep you cool and confident. Learn how often should you change your home air filter in AZ and how a regular maintenance program can help you save money and stay cool.

The Many Benefits of Having a Clean Air Filter

AC air filter replacement may well be the single most important aspect of your regular air conditioning maintenance program and routine. There are a ton of benefits to a clean air conditioning filter. The first is cost savings. A clean filter will keep your system running at peak efficiency and will save you money. Another is longevity. Keeping the filter clean means your system won’t have to work as hard, which will make it work longer. A third is health. The air filter serves to keep your home air not just cool, but clean!

30 Days to Reducing Airborne Allergen Sensitivity

If you’ve got allergies, you should change your air filter monthly—every 30 days. This may seem like a lot, but air filters go a very long way towards reducing particulates in the air, and airborne allergens can trigger those runny noses, itchy eyes, breathing troubles and other hardships of seasonal allergies. Keep the pollen out of the air in your home by keeping your AC filter clean!

60 Days for Pet Dander, Dust and Fur

Pet owners should swap out your air filter every 45 to 60 days. This is because the dander, dust, feathers and fur that gets into your system can very quickly foul your air filter. Since keeping the filter clean is essential to having your system run at its highest efficiency, you’ll want to change it fairly often if you are a pet owner.

90 Days to Household Health and Wellness

Your average household owner should change their AC air filter every 60 to 90 days. Two or three months is the general length of time that it takes an air filter to get clogged and fouled with the particles it pulls out of the air, and obviously, the more often you change it, the cleaner it will stay.

The above are general, best practices for changing your air filter to keep your system running smooth and strong. If you are in need of further advice, seek assistance from expert Phoenix Arizona air conditioner maintenance specialists. These professionals will help you ensure that the air conditioning system in your home is running optimally throughout the hot, Arizona summer.


Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!

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  • Reduce Air Conditioner Repair Costs in Phoenix [3 Tips]

  • 3 Reasons Why My AC Is Not Cooling Down My Phoenix Home

  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/how-often-should-you-change-your-home-air-filter-in-az/

    Friday, June 24, 2016

    How Often Does a Home Air Conditioner Need to Be Serviced?

    How often does a home air conditioner need to be servicedThe heat of the summer months is nearly upon us, and that brings with it a whole set of concerns for every homeowner. There’re tons of things that have to be taken care of to ensure that your home stays strong and cool, and it can be a real source of stress. One of the best ways to keep your place comfortable is to have your air conditioner regularly and thoroughly cleaned and maintained by a professional AC service technician. However, how often does your system need to be checked over? This is a question that tons of homeowners ask. Learn why the answer to, “how often does a home air conditioner need to be serviced,” depends on your system’s use and specifics, and how you can make sure yours keeps going strong.

    Benefits of Regular AC System Inspections

    There are a ton of benefits to regular inspections and maintenance of your air conditioning system. The first is that having a trusted company come in to look over your system on a regular basis saves you time and money. When you use the same company over and over, you can learn how to schedule maintenance during off-seasons and when to take advantage of deals on parts and repairs.

    Secondly, you will have lower utility bills from regular maintenance. This is because your system will always function at peak efficiency, saving energy and working better overall. Finally, when you use the same company on a regular basis, you will get to know your technicians and will be able to develop a relationship with people you trust to take care of problems efficiently and professionally.

    A Minimum of Annual Maintenance

    Earlier we stated that how often your system needs to be serviced depends on the system itself, and this is true. At bare minimum, however, you should have your HVAC system on a yearly air conditioning maintenance plan. If your system gets very heavy use, you may consider doing it twice a year or even more often. Your HVAC technician can advise you on how frequently to have your filters changed, coils checked, overall system cleaned and other routine maintenance performed.

    Best Option: Before or After the Summer Months

    The best option to get your system serviced and save you money as well is to have it looked at either before or after the summer months. This allows the technician to check for heat damage or damage from environmental factors such as dust storms and haboobs, which in Arizona can crop up and harm your system. This also allows you to save money, as the fall and winter months are the off-season when many Phoenix AZ air conditioner repair specialists offer deals.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!

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  • 3 Reasons Why My AC Is Not Cooling Down My Phoenix Home

  • 3 Signs of High Discharge Pressure On AC Units in Phoenix

  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/how-often-does-a-home-air-conditioner-need-to-be-serviced/

    Reduce Air Conditioner Repair Costs in Phoenix [3 Tips]

    Reduce Air Conditioner Repair Costs in PhoenixThe economy is improving at a steady pace and people in general are better off than they were eight years ago. However, in order to stay that way, we’ve got to be thrifty and savvy with our budgeting. When you’re having air conditioner issues, you naturally want to save as much money as possible while still getting the best service for the cost. There are things you can do in order to keep your system running strong without breaking your wallet! Learn these three tips to reduce air conditioner repair costs in Phoenix, including preventative maintenance, off-season work and aftermarket parts.

    Get on a Maintenance Program

    One of the very best things you can do to save money on your AC repairs is getting on a schedule of regular maintenance to prevent problems before they arise in the first place. It may seem counterintuitive to pay for technicians to come out more often as a cost-saving measure, but the truth is it’s far cheaper to have your system serviced twice a year than it is to have it replaced when it breaks down! There’s no question that having your system serviced regularly is the best way to save money and make sure you avoid problems down the road.

    Schedule Off-Season Work

    This time of year you’re approaching peak time for AC work. This means it’s likely to be more expensive to have your system serviced and repaired right now, when everyone needs work done. You also might have to wait longer for your technician to get to your system. If you wait until the cooler months and the winter off-season, you might find that your local AC repair and routine maintenance service offers special deals and lower overall rates, since work is slower that time of year. One of the very best ways to reduce costs is to do preventative maintenance and have your system serviced in the fall or winter months.

    Ask about After Market Parts

    Did you know that in many cases, you’re not required to use parts provided by the AC technician who comes to your house? It’s true, and it’s something that many people just don’t realize. When you call for service, after your repair professional diagnoses the problem and gives you a quote to fix it, ask if you can buy the parts yourself. This will allow you to take the time to shop around, find the best deals, and even get aftermarket parts that can cost significantly less than those offered by your repairman. Just be careful, if you take this road, that you get quality parts that are designed for your AC system. Otherwise, your costs could increase rather than decrease.

    When the time comes for you to have your Phoenix AC system serviced, make sure that you have the very best Phoenix Arizona air conditioner repair specialists handle your system. Don’t wait to get it fixed—the longer you go, the more expensive it will get.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!

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    Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/reduce-air-conditioner-repair-costs-in-phoenix/

    3 Reasons Why My AC Is Not Cooling Down My Phoenix Home

    Why is my AC not cooling downIt’s the heat of the summer; it’s coming on fast, and we rely on our air conditioning systems to keep our homes cool and comfortable during the long, dog days of that season. When the fan is blowing but cool air isn’t coming out, it can be a real nightmare for the homeowner dealing with 100-degree days.

    Some fixes for malfunctioning AC units are simple; others are expensive and tricky. If it’s not something you can handle on your own, it can help to have a professional technician diagnose the problem. Learn the top three answers to “why my AC is not cooling down my home,” and what you can do to fix your Phoenix air conditioning problems.

    Addressing Problems with the Fan and Blower

    If you’re frustrated and wondering “why my AC is not cooling down,” one answer could be that you’re experiencing problems with your AC blower. Fans run on motors; they use belts and all manner of fiddly parts that, when running all the time, can simply break down and stop functioning as they should. In general, you will need a professional technician to take a look and get your system up and running again.

    Old or Broken Thermostat Issues

    The programmable thermostat is very often a prime culprit when your HVAC system stops working as it should. The first thing you want to do is check to make sure you’ve got it set properly. Is it on “auto” and set to “cool” rather than “heat?” It may sound crazy, but sometimes the simplest oversight can make a big difference. If it’s set properly and still not blowing cool air, there could be an issue with the internal workings of the thermostat. Again, since you’re dealing with electrical systems, you shouldn’t try to handle AC thermostat replacement on your own.

    Issues with Damaged AC Ducts

    Damaged or broken ductwork can cause you to lose air flow and see the cool air that nominally blows from your AC unit leak out and fail to cool your home down. Broken duct work can be easy or very difficult to fix, depending on where in the home it’s located. You have AC ducts that run all through your walls, and whether or not they’re exposed makes a big difference in your Phoenix air conditioning repair.

    If you’re noticing that your air conditioner unit just isn’t running the way it once did, and your home is warmer than you think it should be during the sweltering summer months, don’t panic. It’s right to be concerned, but there are Phoenix AZ air conditioner repair specialists out there who can step in to help you get your system up and running strong once again.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!

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  • Best Way to Clean Air Conditioner Coils in Your AZ Home

  • Is My Phoenix Home AC Unit Expansion Valve On the Fritz?

  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/why-my-ac-is-not-cooling-down/

    Tuesday, June 14, 2016

    Reduce Air Conditioner Repair Costs in Phoenix [3 Tips]

    Reduce Air Conditioner Repair Costs in PhoenixThe economy is improving at a steady pace and people in general are better off than they were eight years ago. However, in order to stay that way, we’ve got to be thrifty and savvy with our budgeting. When you’re having air conditioner issues, you naturally want to save as much money as possible while still getting the best service for the cost. There are things you can do in order to keep your system running strong without breaking your wallet! Learn these three tips to reduce air conditioner repair costs in Phoenix, including preventative maintenance, off-season work and aftermarket parts.

    Get on a Maintenance Program

    One of the very best things you can do to save money on your AC repairs is getting on a schedule of regular maintenance to prevent problems before they arise in the first place. It may seem counterintuitive to pay for technicians to come out more often as a cost-saving measure, but the truth is it’s far cheaper to have your system serviced twice a year than it is to have it replaced when it breaks down! There’s no question that having your system serviced regularly is the best way to save money and make sure you avoid problems down the road.

    Schedule Off-Season Work

    This time of year you’re approaching peak time for AC work. This means it’s likely to be more expensive to have your system serviced and repaired right now, when everyone needs work done. You also might have to wait longer for your technician to get to your system. If you wait until the cooler months and the winter off-season, you might find that your local AC repair and routine maintenance service offers special deals and lower overall rates, since work is slower that time of year. One of the very best ways to reduce costs is to do preventative maintenance and have your system serviced in the fall or winter months.

    Ask about After Market Parts

    Did you know that in many cases, you’re not required to use parts provided by the AC technician who comes to your house? It’s true, and it’s something that many people just don’t realize. When you call for service, after your repair professional diagnoses the problem and gives you a quote to fix it, ask if you can buy the parts yourself. This will allow you to take the time to shop around, find the best deals, and even get aftermarket parts that can cost significantly less than those offered by your repairman. Just be careful, if you take this road, that you get quality parts that are designed for your AC system. Otherwise, your costs could increase rather than decrease.

    When the time comes for you to have your Phoenix AC system serviced, make sure that you have the very best Phoenix Arizona air conditioner repair specialists handle your system. Don’t wait to get it fixed—the longer you go, the more expensive it will get.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!

    Read related article:

  • 3 Reasons Why My AC Is Not Cooling Down My Phoenix Home

  • 3 Signs of High Discharge Pressure On AC Units in Phoenix

  • Best Way to Clean Air Conditioner Coils in Your AZ Home

  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/reduce-air-conditioner-repair-costs-in-phoenix/

    Tuesday, June 7, 2016

    3 Reasons Why My AC Is Not Cooling Down My Phoenix Home

    Why is my AC not cooling downIt’s the heat of the summer; it’s coming on fast, and we rely on our air conditioning systems to keep our homes cool and comfortable during the long, dog days of that season. When the fan is blowing but cool air isn’t coming out, it can be a real nightmare for the homeowner dealing with 100-degree days.

    Some fixes for malfunctioning AC units are simple; others are expensive and tricky. If it’s not something you can handle on your own, it can help to have a professional technician diagnose the problem. Learn the top three answers to “why my AC is not cooling down my home,” and what you can do to fix your Phoenix air conditioning problems.

    Addressing Problems with the Fan and Blower

    If you’re frustrated and wondering “why my AC is not cooling down,” one answer could be that you’re experiencing problems with your AC blower. Fans run on motors; they use belts and all manner of fiddly parts that, when running all the time, can simply break down and stop functioning as they should. In general, you will need a professional technician to take a look and get your system up and running again.

    Old or Broken Thermostat Issues

    The programmable thermostat is very often a prime culprit when your HVAC system stops working as it should. The first thing you want to do is check to make sure you’ve got it set properly. Is it on “auto” and set to “cool” rather than “heat?” It may sound crazy, but sometimes the simplest oversight can make a big difference. If it’s set properly and still not blowing cool air, there could be an issue with the internal workings of the thermostat. Again, since you’re dealing with electrical systems, you shouldn’t try to handle AC thermostat replacement on your own.

    Issues with Damaged AC Ducts

    Damaged or broken ductwork can cause you to lose air flow and see the cool air that nominally blows from your AC unit leak out and fail to cool your home down. Broken duct work can be easy or very difficult to fix, depending on where in the home it’s located. You have AC ducts that run all through your walls, and whether or not they’re exposed makes a big difference in your Phoenix air conditioning repair.

    If you’re noticing that your air conditioner unit just isn’t running the way it once did, and your home is warmer than you think it should be during the sweltering summer months, don’t panic. It’s right to be concerned, but there are Phoenix AZ air conditioner repair specialists out there who can step in to help you get your system up and running strong once again.


    Contact the AC repair experts in Phoenix at Hays Cooling & Heating to get your air conditioner back up and running. Email us or call 602-714-8270 now!

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  • Best Way to Clean Air Conditioner Coils in Your AZ Home

  • Is My Phoenix Home AC Unit Expansion Valve On the Fritz?

  • Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/why-my-ac-is-not-cooling-down/