Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Best Types of Air Conditioners for Intense Phoenix Summer Heat

Types Of Air ConditionersHere is question for you – what is the best AC unit built today? Sadly, this is more of a trick question; due to the fact that each AC system is built for specific applications. However, when it comes to weeding through all the different types of air conditioners on the market, there are a few that are better suited for specific homes, businesses or residential apartment complexes. In order to give you a good baseline to consider when you’re in need of buying and installing a new cooling system, here are some of the best types of AC units made today that are great for handling the intense Arizona heat we get in summer.

Best Types of AC Units:

Split Air Conditioning Units

If you were to take a poll of all the home owners in the Phoenix metro area, you’ll discover that more than half of the homes in The Valley of the Sun are cooled by split air conditioning units.

This type of HVAC system is comprised of two individual components:

• An exterior cooling system (whose job it is to ‘chill’ the air that is circulated into the unit)

• An interior fan system (which is designed to circulate the warm air from inside your home into the outdoor unit and then return cooler air into your home after the exterior cooling system has done its job).

This type of cooling system is popular for many different reasons:

• The general construction layout of newer homes. Most new homes in Arizona are made to withstand the intense heat that comes with the summer season. However, they also are engineered to operate energy efficiently. A split AC unit is very good about handling the intense heat and is the primary type of cooling system installed in newer homes.

• They are easy to maintain. The biggest hassle with maintaining and servicing interior or roof cooling systems is getting to the actual unit to repair. However, a split system is easy for AC companies to work on – since it’s often installed on the side or back yard of a home.

Split AC units are best suited for single or multiple story homes in the Phoenix metro area.

Picking a Brand

The next most popular question asked of new AC shoppers is often which brand is best suited to handle the extreme heat here in Phoenix? This one is a little easier to answer as it’s based on one simple fact – which company builds cooling systems built to last?

There are three in particular that are better than most when it comes to direct consumer reviews:

  • • Trane Air Conditioning Units

  • • Lennox Air Conditioning Units

  • • Day and Night Air Conditioning Units

Each of these are made with high-grade materials, assembled by professional technicians and are built to operate energy efficiently. They all are installed by certified specialists and can be maintained and serviced by the same company that installs them every year with ease.

We know that the option available to home owners for buying and installing new AC system is extremely vast. However, when you simplify the equation, regardless of the types of air conditioners that are available, the key is to buy one that is perfect for your specific application. To find this out, contact your local Phoenix HVAC Contractors  . They’ll steer you in the right direction.


Contact Hays Cooling & Heating today at (602) 714-8270 or email us to learn more about home air conditioner tune-ups, maintenance, repair and installation services today! It Pays To Call Hays!

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Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/best-types-of-air-conditioners-for-intense-phoenix-summer-heat/

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hot Tips for Finding Trane Air Conditioner Rebates in Phoenix

Trane Air Conditioner RebatesWhen the weathers hot – and you need to buy a new AC system, finding the best possible cooling system can be a challenge. However, thanks in part to a very competitive marketplace, there are several manufacturers that have offered rebates on new AC unit sales and installation. Leading the pack is Trane – and as they usually do; they are leading the pack when it comes to offering Trane Air Conditioner rebates for new unit sales and installation in Phoenix.

Here are a few great tips that will allow you to find these rebates and special offers quickly.

First – Check out their Website

The first thing that any consumer should do when preparing to buy any major appliance is to go directly to the horse’s mouth. In this case, taking time to visit Trane’s website to check out specific offers is the best place to start. If you have an idea of what type of AC unit you need to buy to keep your home efficiently cooled for years, visiting the website and looking directly at the specific unit will be a good way to find the rebates. However, if you’re not sure as to which item you need to buy – proceed to step number two.

Second – Call your Local Trane Dealer

The authorized Trane Distributors in Phoenix metro area are great sources for complete AC sales and installation. However, before they sell you anything, their first step is to clearly identify what size of unit is best suited for your individual application. They will accomplish this by visiting your home first and completing a process called a Load Calculation. This measurement will determine the right size, model and specific functions best suited to keep your home cool – efficiently.

Once you have an idea of the size of Trane AC unit you need to buy, the local Trane Dealer in Phoenix will be better prepared to examine the special rebates and incentives offered by Trane directly.

Third – Ask the Trane Dealer about Installation and Service Incentives

Most customers would be satisfied with getting a discount on their new unit installed. But, believe it or not, there are additional rebates and special offers to consider that will offset the cost associated with servicing and repairing your new Trane AC unit. Some of these specials include:

  • Discounts on setting up annual maintenance and service appointments ahead of time

  • Discounts and rebates on parts replacement; whether it’s routine or emergency repairs

  • Special offers on off peak season AC service and repair

The bottom line here is that there are many places to find Trane Air Conditioning rebates on newly installed systems. When in doubt, always defer to the expert Trane Comfort Specialists that provide exceptional customer service in your town. They’ll be fair and honest and always make sure you get the best bang for your AC buck.


Have additional questions about the right A/C system for your Phoenix area home or office? Call the experts at Hays Cooling & Heating 602-714-8270. It Pays to Call Hays!

Read related articles:

Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/hot-tips-for-finding-trane-air-conditioner-rebates-in-phoenix/

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Ultimate Phoenix Home Air Conditioning Checklist

phoenix home ac checklistOne of the most stressful things a home owner can undertake is finding a good company to service their Phoenix home air conditioning system. With a multitude of businesses our there claiming to be the best among the HVAC Companies in Phoenix, finding one that can actually deliver exceptional service at affordable pricing can be a challenge. But, there are a few things that you can do to ensure your homes cooling system runs strong around the clock and serviced by the best contractors in the business.

Item #1 – Take Initiative – Replace your Indoor Filters Monthly

According to the US Department of Energy, the task of replacing your indoor filters on a frequent basis, (every month) can save you as much as 30% on your monthly energy bills. Indoor air filters are the lungs of any cooling system. They circulate air to and from the cooling system and back into your home. When they are dirty, this job becomes hard on the cooling system – as restricted air flow can significantly impact the function of your cooling system.

However, what is not commonly known is that dirty air filters can also seriously impact your health. According to the American Lung Association, poor indoor air quality is a leading cause of allergy flair ups and common respiratory conditions (like cold and flu). When bacteria become trapped in your indoor filters, and you have the AC system cranking, all that bacteria spreads into the air you breathe. This is another reason why changing out your indoor filters every month is a wise idea – especially in the desert.

Item #2 – Set up a Routine Service or Maintenance Contract

Changing your indoor filters on a monthly basis is a great way to keep your system running strong and your indoor air quality good; however, it’s not the only item on this checklist. It’s recommended by virtually every AC manufacturer to have your cooling system inspected and tuned-up at least once per year. Professional AC Companies in Phoenix will arrive to your home – on your time table to completely examine or inspect operation and repair anything wrong with your cooling unit; before it becomes a major expense. Not only is this a proactive measure to ensure your system is running strong, but it also helps to protect warranties.

An annual inspection should always include the following on your checklist:

  • • Changing out filters inside the cooling system

  • • Tightening all belts, hoses and electrical / plumbing fittings

  • • Inspect and add as needed, lubricants, coolant and other liquid items

  • • Inspection of your thermostat and calibration if needed

  • • Examine the ductwork of your home – to ensure there are no leaks. It’s advised that every home owners should also have the ductwork cleaned and sealed every year or two.

These two items are critical for any home owner to have on their Phoenix home air conditioning maintenance checklist. By taking the proactive measures to simply replace your indoor filters monthly and schedule an annual inspection and service by a professional AC Company in Phoenix, you can have peace of mind knowing your cooling system will run strong for many years.


Staying proactive about your HVAC maintenance and service pays off & brings peace of mind! If you have ac repair, service or replacement needs remember  ~ It Pays To Call Hays! Call 602-714-8270 or send your request via email.

Read related articles:

Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/ultimate-phoenix-home-air-conditioning-checklist/

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Lennox Air Conditioner Installation in Phoenix AZ: Prep Checklist

Lennox Air Conditioner Installation in PhoenixSo – it’s starting to get warmer in Phoenix and you decide to crank up the AC – and nothing happens. This situation is all too common for people living in the Valley of the Sun. The solution of course is to have a new AC system installed. But, with all the brands, makes, models, applications and everything else out there – where do you begin? Actually, the solution is easier than you’d think. In fact, many home owners that complete Lennox Air Conditioner installation in Phoenix find that making a checklist of things to do can really simplify the process.

As such, here is a brief checklist of five items you should do in order to ensure you get the right Lennox system installed at your home or office.

Item #1 – Make the Call to the HVAC Company in Phoenix

There are several good AC contractors in the Phoenix area, but very few are exceptional. Here is how to tell the difference and choose the right AC contractor to begin this process:

  • Make sure they have a good track record of customer service.

  • Make sure they are authorized Lennox air conditioning dealers in Phoenix.

  • Make sure they offer a free estimate and will visit your home to inspect your older system.

You’ll discover that the best AC contractors will have all of this information posted on their website.

Item #2 – Have a Load Calculation Completed

When you contact a professional AC installation company in Phoenix, they’ll recommend a load calculation to be completed before you purchase anything. This is critical because this process will measure your home and surrounding elements; like tree locations, window locations and where your home sits in order to come up with the most energy efficient system for your home.

Item #3 – Explore your Options for Today and Tomorrow

A common mistake made by home owners in Phoenix is they tend to buy a system that will help them keep cool today. But, with technology improving home owners are faced with the prospect of purchasing upgraded systems that focus on energy efficiency. Talk to your HVAC contractor and ask them about what type of Lennox heating and cooling units are best suited for your home – not just for today, but in the future as well.

Item #4 – Ask the Contractor about Maintenance or Service Agreement Packages

The reality of any mechanical system is that they will eventually wear out. Whether this is due to old age, or simply due to the intense heat they have to combat, the smartest way to keep them running strong is to have routine service. Many of the best HVAC companies in Phoenix will offer a service or maintenance agreement package – where they will service your system on a schedule that fits your needs. This is a great way to protect your investment, but also to reduce energy costs as well.

Item #5 – Have the new Lennox Air Conditioner Installation in Phoenix Completed by the Professionals

The final item on the checklist is purchasing and installing your new cooling unit. This should always be handled by a professional cooling contractor and authorized Lennox distributor in Phoenix . Not only do they have intense experience installing Lennox systems, but they also are certified by Lennox to service them as well.

Completing Lennox air conditioner installation in Phoenix is simple when you follow these five simple steps on the new AC system checklist. You’ll save time, money and ensure you get the best bang for your AC buck every time when you follow this system and work with Lennox authorized dealers.


If you’re worried about your HVAC unit working through next season, work with top-notch, Phoenix Based, 5-Star HVAC experts – Hays Cooling & Heating – Call 602-714-8270 for a quote on a new unit.


Read related articles:

Read the full story at: http://hayscoolingandheating.com/lennox-air-conditioner-installation-in-phoenix-checklist/